Friday, May 15, 2009

:: Something I'm loving just now ::

Watching my little boys unfold artistically in their own
unhurried time. Marvelling at what an incredible
manifestation of their own internal world it all is....
and just wanting to drink in all those yummy little

And more than anything, wanting it to last, hoping that
in adult life, a corner of their being
will always find nourishment and stillness in art.

Friday, May 1, 2009

One of those days......

Sometimes we have a day which just needs
to be turned around. When the only sensible
thing to do, for all of us, is to put on our coats
and head out for a stroll somewhere lovely.

What wonders can be achieved, what an
antidote it is, to forget oneself for a moment
and connect with the beauty of Autumn.

And when we return home, something has shifted inside
us all, the focus has changed and a happy busyness prevails,
as we make Autumn leaf pictures.

Could there be a finer sight on a rainy autumn afternoon
than a window full of these......

Or a nicer reminder, of the wonders that can
be achieved on one of those days.........