of the opportunity that awaits me. The chance to spiral into
myself, to journey closer to who I really am. To reflect on
my life, and to seek new light and inspiration for my onward
travels. Each year it seems a little deeper, with more
consciousness and purpose.
For us as a family it is a time of celebration and delight. To share
a unique occasion that we have made our very own.
I cook a special wintry dinner. Pork sausages braised in cider with
juniper berries and thyme. The table is beautifully set. We go for a
crisp, starry walk in the garden, guided by my children's rainbow
lanterns. I read a special candle lit solstice story about King Winter.
Then its time for bed on this the longest night.
...And then in the morning, just like in the story, there is a
special present from King Winter, for each little fellow.
What eager anticipation, joy and delight there is to be had,
by the fire, long before dawn!
May your winter journey be one of light and clarity,
of fresh ideas and discoveries.
A Merry Winter Solstice to you!