Monday, August 31, 2009

Walking by the Ocean.....

To me, there is something magical about walking through
a canopy of trees, to the beach. The combination of beautiful
delicate flowers, warm moist air and the ocean... so different
to the windswept beaches at home. A sure sign of being on holiday.

What treasures there are to discover.....carnivorous plants,
(spotted of course by my big boy!) soft papery bark and
a rock pool with a tiny crab!

How very passionate my little boys are about hiking! How
very excited they were to be given a hiking bag each....and
what sweet, funny-but terribly serious-deliberations we have,
over what to pack for an adventure.

I love watching this childhood connection with
nature unfold and drinking in the beauty
and wonder of it all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

::Holiday Sunsets::

I love how children enter into things body and soul.
How they splash in the waves, look for footprints in the sand
and search for treasures, all with such intense concentration
and joy. All their senses engaged in the here and now.

"All good things are wild and free... "
Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

::Perfection in white::

How very fine it would be, for a
faerie's wedding in our plum tree just now.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A little Montessori........

I have never actually done any Montessori activities with
my own children before. But somehow the sight of a set of
delicious little vintage glass jugs at the op shop, proved just
too tempting. Were they not so perfectly child sized?
How could I, a former Montessori teacher resist such a treasure??
Apparently I could not.

And so we had a few minutes of Montessori this morning.
During which I could admire all those yummy little expressions
of concentration and enjoy a few moments of quiet.

Monday, August 10, 2009


She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south west
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
"Winter is dead."
A.A. Milne (Published 1924)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just now....

We have been blessed with a little taste of
spring over the last few days. A combination
I think of the unseasonably warm weather and
the delicious blooming of the hyacinth bulbs
I had tucked away.

Somehow I find myself anticipating the
loveliness of spring, I spend a lot of time
looking forward to the coming seasons.
It is one of the most beautiful kinds of
One of life's truest pleasures really........

But sometimes, its nice to just be in the
here and now too. To dig in and treasure these
last days of winter, in all their loveliness.

Tending the fire, doing some knitting,
feeling the crisp cold and cooking
some warm wintry dinners.

To just be where you are, to accept and be
open to the joy in this, the present moment.

Where ever you go, there you are...........
every moment has so many possibilities.
To realise that in every moment there is
the possibility of joy, if your heart is truly open to it.

Have a lovely late winters day!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I have often wondered what is ripe for the picking
in winter. Somehow our calender of fruit picking seemed
incomplete. But today came as such a wonderful answer to this....


After a kind invitation from some friends, we spent a very
fortunate day discovering all the excitement of olive picking.
And what a merry communal effort it was, adults busy working,
children scrambling around playing together in the olive groves.
Much raking of olives (to think raking!) onto big cloths. Lots of
careful tipping into crates and a bit of hand picking along the way.
Such a wonderful family occupation. As it should be really!

How velvety smooth our hands were, by
the end of the day, from all the beautiful
oily, squishy olives!
What incredible satisfaction seeing all
those full crates lined up, ready to be crushed.
Tempting to dig your hands right in!
Such a feeling of plenty.
How wonderful to know that in the middle
of summer, we will be able to dress our salads
with some beautiful, extra virgin olive oil
-the fruit of our winter olive picking adventure.
Even now when I shut my eyes I see olives......