Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beginnings and endings.....

I wonder at how incredibly fluid life is.
How a couple of weeks ago I was aimlessly
puddling around in the garden with my
little boys. Taking pictures in the beautiful
diffused cloudy light.

Could I possibly have dreamt that the winds
of change could blow so strongly.
That changes of such magnitude could unfold
with such decisiveness.

All I can really try to do is be present to this
part of my life. To accept where I am and that
it is a necessary stage on my journey.

More than anything I need to work so very carefully to
navigate these changes. To protect and be sensitive
to my children through these uncharted waters.

I can take refuge, in the thought that through all this,
I am being true to myself,
to who I really am deep down.
In life you can't ask for much more.

It is this soulful conviction that I hope stays with
me, as I venture forth on this new journey, with my
little ones.

This Soul parenthood.

Friday, September 18, 2009

::Blue and white::

We had a bit of an unschooling day today. A break with
the whole car routine - a day of following the wind, and
fresh spring air to where ever it may take us.

What true refreshment for the spirit can be found in a
carpet of flowers.

What joy to follow the path to wherever it may lead.

And to discover "Its a meadow mummy!"

How delighted I was to discover amidst the sea of white,
some of the dreamt of blue.....

Perfection, in blue and white.

I feel so grateful for the incredible way that nature works
upon us, how it helps myself and my little ones find our centre
and connect with who we are. How it almost effortlessly
allows us to breathe out for a while.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"Come see our fairy gardens....."

How wonderful it is, as the spring days "pull out" to enjoy
the beautiful late afternoon sunlight in the fresh air.

What magical secret busyness goes on!
How very lucky to be called away from the usual
tea time preparations to see two beautiful
fairy gardens!
Don't you just love little boys!