I wonder at how incredibly fluid life is.
How a couple of weeks ago I was aimlessly
puddling around in the garden with my
little boys. Taking pictures in the beautiful
diffused cloudy light.
Could I possibly have dreamt that the winds
of change could blow so strongly.
That changes of such magnitude could unfold
with such decisiveness.
All I can really try to do is be present to this
part of my life. To accept where I am and that
it is a necessary stage on my journey.
More than anything I need to work so very carefully to
navigate these changes. To protect and be sensitive
to my children through these uncharted waters.
I can take refuge, in the thought that through all this,
I am being true to myself,
to who I really am deep down.
In life you can't ask for much more.
It is this soulful conviction that I hope stays with
me, as I venture forth on this new journey, with my
little ones.
This Soul parenthood.