Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The nights are pulling in, and everywhere I would imagine,
you can hear the sighs of relieved mammas like myself.
As they prepare to re-claim the night. As suddenly after
months of trying to get children asleep at a reasonable
hour-darkness comes and saves the day (or could it be the night!).
Now I look forward to the evenings ahead of child free
time-to knit and sew and write and think. Surely there
should be a small celebration, to mark the loveliness of this
velvety darkness that has crept upon us!

Monday, March 21, 2011


For a long time I despaired of drawing. It was something
that other people's children did. But now, as if by magic it has
come to the fore with my children. Ripening in its own time,
into something of a passion. Into something they do together,
of their own accord - for extended periods of glorious time.
Time when I can think my own thoughts and marvel at the
little wonder that is taking place.


For me to truly live is to notice small things. To suddenly stop
really feel and breathe in little extraordinary things.

~Fungi appearing as if by magic, on the way to the clothes line,
on a misty rainy day~

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Something stunning, that stopped me in my tracks, in the
midst of a busy day. Something that momentarily had me
transfixed, by its beauty. ~Rain drops on roses~