Friday, May 27, 2011


We went to see the most wonderful Leonardo Da Vinci
Exhibition today. And I marvelled at how beautifully
tailored it was, to the passions of my two little boys.
There was lots of turning of handles, whirring of wheels
and pondering at incredible inventions.
Before we returned home, to a flurry of constructing
and inventing, inspired by what we had seen.
For me it was an opportunity to see some of the incredible
expanse of Da Vinci's genius. To wonder at a man whose
work was so exquisite in both an artistic and scientific
And I was left wondering if there was in fact
anything that Da Vinci didnt invent, 300 odd years
before it dawned on the rest of the world!
If you get the chance, do go and see it-exhibitions of
this quality, don't come round that often for children.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Ever wondered what happens, if you knead a wet dough in
an unorthodox fashion, do strange things with a credit
card-to make stars, heat the oven way too hot, spray it
fervently with water and leave your bread to bake.

Well you might just produce the nicest bread you have
ever baked. With a bubbly texture and crispy crust.
And what also if you accidentally spill water on the dough
whilst it is rising-and accomplish much of the above with one
hand whilst on the phone to a dear friend. Its re-assuring to
know that the result will be the same.
Further details can be found in this book. Along with lots of
extra inspiration.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Autumn loveliness....and a quote.

Late afternoon sunshine through autumn leaves-there is
almost nothing finer. The delight of this has travelled with
me through my life, from when I was quite young.....

And a quote, music to the ears of someone contemplating
what it might be to turn 40.

" And there at the square itself, with the leaves still thick
on the trees as they had been when she left in August; but
in August they had hung heavily, a uniform of dull green,
whereas now, crisped and brindled by the first few nights
of frost, they had taken on a new, various beauty. Stepping
lightly and quickly down the square, Mrs Miniver suddenly
understood why she was enjoying the forties so much better
than she had enjoyed the thirties: it was the difference
between August and October, between the heaviness of late
summer and the sparkle of early autumn, between the ending
of an old phase and the beginning of a fresh one....."

Mrs Miniver, Jan Struther 1939