Could it be that I am wallowing a little
in winter?? Kind of savouring the whole
inward focus that cold weather, fires and
long school holidays seem to bring about.
Pausing for breath, remembering what
it is to feel
relaxed. To toast by the fire, stay in bed until
the sun is shining (when it does!) and
generally hibernating a bit.

And finding that spark of
energy and inspiration to carry me
forward,towards Spring. I have moments
of longing for Spring. Longing for bare arms,
swishy skirts and that lovely feeling of
blooming again. But not
just yet. When my
winter work of reflection and transformation
has been done.
Beautiful winter Solstice Maiden care of Briali (Thank you!) Home grown love heart crystal care of my children. (A lovely winter science experiment using borax crystals and pipe cleaners.....lots of recipes online.)