Saturday, October 4, 2008

A little music.......

A little while ago my grandmother's piano came........
And what excitement it caused. What busy playing of
"Cat" songs.........

And writing of special music followed.....much to my delight!

And of course, no piano is complete without some delicious
poppies to perch on top.....

Grandma purchased her piano in 1917, so it is something of
a fine old lady now, but it got me thinking about the huge
evolution in entertainment, that has taken place since.......
and to reflect on whether it is in fact all positive.

I think of all the music that has been played on this piano
and of the evenings spent gathered around it....of how when
the days farming chores were done, my grandparents could
sing a fine duet. It makes me think of a time when ordinary
people were producers of their own entertainment, and not
just passive consumers.....

And I hope that a little of the delight of creating our own
entertainment will find its way into our house through
this lovely old instrument.........

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