Saturday, February 28, 2009

Autumn anticipation.......

Along one side of our garden, there is a rather overgrown,
entanglement of roses, errant grape vines and blackberries,
which I secretly love. It feels like a bit of hedgerow to me....
I like to watch tiny birds dart in and out......

And gaze at the blackberries as they magically unfold.....

I love Blackberries, they have the comforting feel of
Autumn about them, in all their ripe glossiness.

I feel hope that the outstretch of summer is almost at a close
and that it is time to gather in.

And so we made some Bramble Jelly to celebrate......
How lucky that we picked just enough for the recipe...

And that I had two small helpers at hand, to fervently
scrape out the last morsels in the pan.

What a joy that our first attempt at jam making resulted in
two delicious jars of beautifully set jam!

Could this mean that Autumn is just around the corner.........

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