Saturday, August 1, 2009


I have often wondered what is ripe for the picking
in winter. Somehow our calender of fruit picking seemed
incomplete. But today came as such a wonderful answer to this....


After a kind invitation from some friends, we spent a very
fortunate day discovering all the excitement of olive picking.
And what a merry communal effort it was, adults busy working,
children scrambling around playing together in the olive groves.
Much raking of olives (to think raking!) onto big cloths. Lots of
careful tipping into crates and a bit of hand picking along the way.
Such a wonderful family occupation. As it should be really!

How velvety smooth our hands were, by
the end of the day, from all the beautiful
oily, squishy olives!
What incredible satisfaction seeing all
those full crates lined up, ready to be crushed.
Tempting to dig your hands right in!
Such a feeling of plenty.
How wonderful to know that in the middle
of summer, we will be able to dress our salads
with some beautiful, extra virgin olive oil
-the fruit of our winter olive picking adventure.
Even now when I shut my eyes I see olives......

1 comment:

EnchantedChild said...

Hi Stephanie what a great post!!!!!
It is a beautiful expression of olive picking!!!!!
What about creating an inspiring book with your words and pictures about living family life.......