Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Drawing in.....

I am loving autumn just now. The
feeling of drawing inside, lighting the fire
and starting to get cosy. The little stash
of wool, almost as ripe as fruit in a basket,
just waiting to become something over the
the winter. The fungi that has so magically
appeared with the autumn rain and the light.
That beautiful golden, autumn sunshine.

How well it fits with this beautiful poem, which I so recommend
that you take courage and read aloud if only for your own pleasure.......
As I discovered after seeing the movie Bright Star. Keats should
really only be read aloud!
Ode to Autumn
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves
To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees,
and fill all fruit with ripeness to the core:
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease.........
John Keats 1819
The full poem and more besides can be found here.


"Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than
magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the
strongest conjuration." Charles Dickens

Join me in a little celebration of feeling at home, of stopping
to take a deep breath and appreciating what it is to be at home.
For the first time in years I have a strong sense of belonging.
How very beautiful it is!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Sunday afternoon.

Sometimes it can be a little bit of an effort, to make it out
into nature on a Sunday afternoon. For me there is often
sleepiness to overcome, and the thought of all I should
really be doing.
How fortunate it is at times like this, to
have a dear friend who knows a nice walk.....and has a true
ability to travel in style!

Because then I find myself on an adventure, with a bit of
hill climbing, sipping of tea, watercolour painting, indulging in
fine conversation and best of all laughter...... and lots of it.
The kind of soul food that fills me so very well.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Do I look scary mummy....?"

Of all the challenges of raising little boys, I think I have
struggled with the whole concept of weapons play the most.
The pacifist in me just finds this concept so very hard. As a
teacher of other peoples children, it was oh so simple.
"We don't play those games here..." But at home, with my
own children, somehow it all seems that bit more complex,
raw and closer to the surface.
Even in an essentially TV free, weapons free house, somehow
this play still develops.

I sometimes wonder what I am dealing with here. Is it a
portrayal of something so very real and violent, from
which my heart shrinks or is there more at play?

Is there something a little phallic about the concept of
gun play, as a friend suggested? Is there hidden within it
some tender little shoots of masculinity, which it would be
so very insensitive to crush?

Perhaps it provides an outlet on an emotional level somehow.
Which it might be unwise to suppress.
Do I provide my female perspective? "That doesn't sound kind...."
"Its OK, but please don't shoot at people....." "Gentle...!"
Or do I just let it be?

I think I tread both paths at times.

Maybe it's a modern issue.
I am sure that mothers were a little more accepting of this
when I was a child. That it was just looked upon as a part
of being a little boy.

I guess I just need to somehow find a space of rightness
within myself about this-to let it go and just be.
To remember that "This too shall pass..."

And to this end, when my little boy so very proudly
showed me the gun he had made, I took a big deep breath
and went to get my camera.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

::Simple Pleasures::

Just now I am wallowing in a few
simple little pleasures......

A beautiful thrifted 1950's flour dredger,
a present from a lovely, Op shop savvy friend...
who knows my fondness for Cornish blue china.
There is something so very beautiful
and domestic about it.

A new Persephone book, a gift from my
boys dad. Which I have only read a little
of...with the lovely anticipation of
having a long way to go. I know its sitting
there just waiting......

A humble, unfinished water colour. Painted
on a rare and so very much enjoyed visit
to a painting class held by my beautiful teacher.
When I look at it I can feel all the merriment
and joy of being with such a fine group of
women again.

It all reminds me of a lovely quote, from
"Three hundred small pleasures
make people happier than one
magnificent one."
Daniel Gilbert, Professor of Psychology,
Harvard University.

::Focusing in ::

Sometimes life just seems to overtake
me and things that I usually feel are important
get almost swept aside. Like lighting a candle
and saying a blessing for our evening meal together.

Although we routinely do this, sometimes it is
just so very grounding to be mindful and present
for a moment, before the meal begins.
To find a little special reverence in it all. To pick
fresh flowers and just breathe it in.

Suddenly life seems that little bit more ordered and
peaceful, just by such a simple change of focus.

This stillness within myself, I think has a most
profound effect on my little ones. The meal seemed
quieter...... and my small boy delivered me one of
those beautiful little moments of innocence.

"Look, I can see a little bit of magic just there in
the candle.......its a fairy I think...!" he said.

~Blessings on the blossoms,
Blessings on the fruit,
Blessings on the leaves and stems,
Blessings on the root,
Blessings on our meal ~

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New dawning.....

Easter is so very dear to my heart. I love the feeling of a
fresh dawning spiritual new year. Of the possibilities of autumn
and the beginning of drawing in after the fullness of summer.

Like last year we went to see the sunset on Good Friday and
the sunrise on Easter Sunday. We made Easter Nests
and spent time connecting with nature- which is I think
always so very magical around Easter. Just the quality of
light, the blue-ness of the sky and the feeling of the seasons
poised to change.

This year I find myself reflecting upon the huge
shifts and changes that have come to fruition since last
Easter. And to marvel at the unexpected and wonderful
things happening in my life just now.....

May you have a beautiful Easter.