Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sunset :: Sunrise :: April

For me Easter is such a wonderful time of
renewal. In a lot of ways it feels like the
dawning of a new spiritual year. I emerge
from the heat of summer, take a deep
inward breath and feel rejuvenated,
focused and ready to begin afresh.

We go to see the sunset on Good Friday.
Standing in the fresh evening air on the
mountain summit, there is such a feeling of
cleansing and letting go.

Then on Easter Sunday we climb a local mountain
in the dark, just before dawn to see the sunrise.
There is such an exquisite airy stillness to it, watching
the beautiful morning sun emerge. It feels so cleansing
fresh and new. Very much like the dawning of a new
Have a beautiful Easter.......
(I must say that waking and dressing two small
children in the dark, to dash off in the car and
scramble up a hill is a bit of an undertaking......for
which we are amply rewarded- its such soul food for
us all.......)

1 comment:

EnchantedChild said...

Stephanie that is so beautiful
thankyou for sharing and reminding me of our deep spirituality of ourselves&nature & the passage of life ~0~ Happy Easter
I need more silent moments in my life
I have been soooo busy
I had forgotten the sacred beauty of being