Saturday, April 17, 2010

::Focusing in ::

Sometimes life just seems to overtake
me and things that I usually feel are important
get almost swept aside. Like lighting a candle
and saying a blessing for our evening meal together.

Although we routinely do this, sometimes it is
just so very grounding to be mindful and present
for a moment, before the meal begins.
To find a little special reverence in it all. To pick
fresh flowers and just breathe it in.

Suddenly life seems that little bit more ordered and
peaceful, just by such a simple change of focus.

This stillness within myself, I think has a most
profound effect on my little ones. The meal seemed
quieter...... and my small boy delivered me one of
those beautiful little moments of innocence.

"Look, I can see a little bit of magic just there in
the candle.......its a fairy I think...!" he said.

~Blessings on the blossoms,
Blessings on the fruit,
Blessings on the leaves and stems,
Blessings on the root,
Blessings on our meal ~