Tuesday, August 17, 2010

::Poppies in a vase::

Earlier in the week I invested in a small present
for myself. A little artistic perfection to put in a

I love it how poppies defy arrangement , but
gradually unfold in various perfections of composition.
A kind of work in progress, to watch as the week
continues. An artistic journey of sorts.

I love how they unfurl themselves, in all their crumpled
papery-ness. So somehow disheveled and new, yet so very
perfect at the same time. I find myself developing a favourite,
whose progress I watch. The salmon-y cream flower, which
reminds me of an Edwardian lady in layers of delicate, frilly

And sometimes how they look like a watercolour
in progress, and I can almost feel the colours running
together in a watery blur of oranges and yellows.

Till it occurs to me that a spot of painting
would do me such a lot of good....and so I
keep myself entertained through a quite
average week, with thoughts of how I
would paint these poppies.....

Friday, August 6, 2010


On my front verandah is a little pot of Daphne. Of all the
very early spring flowers, I think it would have to be my
favourite. For its dreamy perfume......

So I have found myself having little moments of
anticipation, each time I pass it. As the buds get fatter,
wondering quite when it will flower. I even knelt down to
see if I could get a tiny whiff, before the buds had opened.
But no....I will just have to wait.

Its an interesting reflection of my life at the moment.
Where I am feeling so very full of anticipation for my
life to move on, for new things to manifest. And it reminds
me of a quote, I first heard years ago, that inspires me still.

Don't try to force anything, let life be a deep let go.
See God opening millions of flowers everyday
without forcing the buds.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Monday, August 2, 2010


I do a lot of dishes, its just one of those daily things...
But sometimes having a tiny celebration of daily tasks
can help to make them a tiny bit more pleasant.
So to this end, I have started knitting some dish cloths.
Just squares of plain really, in two shades of knitting cotton
I had in my stash.

And these combined with a vase of Japonica,
on my kitchen window sill, suddenly makes the task
so much nicer......

:: Vintage Everday::

I so dearly love this little Ladybird reader. The illustrations
are just beautiful. One things stand out to me, apart from
the wonderful vintage-ness of it all. And that is the assumption
that everyday things are enough. That there is excitement and
entertainment to be had, for little ones, in the simplicity of day to
day chores. That helping is a worthy thing. I find this so affirming
and a wonderful thing to foster and consider, at a time when
so much is thought of more.