Saturday, March 28, 2009

An Indian summer.....

Could it be that I am enjoying these last little
lingerings of summer? The sunny warm days
that somehow seem all the more beautiful
because I know they wont last......

Happy summer-ish Autumn to you.........

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A bit of a challenge......

Sometimes, parts of my life fall to the
wayside........ and my days seems awash
with busyness.

Sometimes, when I am busy and fraught
it is hard to put energy into the things that
truly nurture me. Its hard to find the creativity,
energy and enthusiasm to redress the balance.

To unclutter corners of my life on various levels,
to let fresh air and light flow in.

This has been very much the case with my
sewing room. It has been somewhat scrambled,
for some time......and I feel the time is approaching
when I need to make a start.......

In a way its a glorious mess, full of possibilities
(If I could ever find anything....) and as I scramble
over bags of clay and wicker and paper making
supplies, I marvel at how organised it could be,
if I was to devote the time to it.

It really is a bit of a mess.....

And although this little wooden lady smiles
demurely, I know that she is secretly less than
happy with the condition of her room....some would say
even a little disappointed.

But amidst the mess there really is such potential for a
lovely, sunny little spot. In which to do lots of crafty things.

And so I present to you, my dear patient reader,
a bit of a challenge........
Perhaps at some stage in the near future you will find
a sewing room post,with pictures of something of a
transformation. Of treasures discovered and things
in their rightful place.

Wish me luck!

Still life in Autumn

I wonder if there is any finer sight than a beautiful
bowl of pears, on an early autumn day. Such a wonderful
feeling of abundance and gathering in.

And a heart felt hope that I will feel a bit of the stillness
of life this autumn.

Loving this boy just now......

How I am enjoying this boy just now. I love his passionate
enthusiasm for natural history, for nature and for all things
wild and untamed.

I love the little collections of things that find their way into
our house, which seem terribly boy-ish to me, in the nicest
possible way.

I love his strong connection with the natural world.

And the prospect of all that we have to share,
as the seasons change.

It is as it should be for a small boy, finding
his place in the world.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Could it be that Autumn has come......

Fetch the golden harvest......there has already been talk in
our house of going apple picking, of toasting marshmallows,
of horse chestnuts and Easter......