Saturday, November 27, 2010


I love the happy little indulgences that sneak into my
life at finding a metal tin of drawing pencils
at the supermarket. Then how it rained the following
afternoon - which gave me the perfect opportunity to
do a bit of sketching.
Nothing ground breaking, just a few summery shells,
but so very enjoyable none the less.
And then I took a moment to reflect, upon how very lovely it
would be, if I ever got around to keeping a Nature Journal -
as I often dream of doing...... 2B or not 2B, that is the question!
(All rounded off with a little silliness.....which I was unable
to resist!!)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

::An Edwardian Snippet::

I knew as the shop lady got the key and opened the glass
cabinet, I was in grave danger of needing this book. Then I
opened it....and the first page I flipped to (of crochet
lace patterns) confirmed this most decisively. A little window
into the lives of women in 1911, how they ran their houses,
what they read, how they dressed,the handcrafts, the recipes.....
Some very Edwardian and some so very timeless, nearly
100 years later.

Let me share with you a little snippet from "The Housekeeper's
Diary for December". Which is somehow fitting, in the lead up to
the festive season.

"This is invariably a tiring and exacting month
for the house mother and though the word "holidays"
is continually in the air, it is usually anything but
holiday-time for her!"

"When preparing for a party in your own house,
remember it is the poorest economy to use up all
your own strength before-hand in getting things ready
for the evening.

Too often the mistress of a small house gives herself
no time for proper meals, and keeps going up to the
last minute on the day of the festivity;
and then has the utmost difficulty looking cheerful
and keeping the worried look at bay when her
guests arrive.

No matter how busy and rushed you may be,
make it a rule to take good meals and allow
yourself at least a quarter of an hour's
rest before your friends come.

And do not forget that nothing recuperates the
tired body so quickly as a rest with the feet up,
on a sofa or bed....."

How very real....and in some respects more honest than a lot of
contemporary magazines, which are full of all the festive wonders
that can be achieved.

It inspires me to take a big deep breath and aim for simplicity.
And to reflect on the freedom that we have, to celebrate Christmas
in our own style. To create a celebration for our family that is
meaningful, what ever form it takes. I guess for an Edwardian
this would have been a very radical thought indeed. I just wonder
how much times have changed?

::Waldorf Birthday Goodness::

Yesterday was my little boy's birthday celebration at his kindy.
It was a celebration of his life so far, of the milestones and
highlights of his 5 years in our family.

We came home with a beautiful bunch of flowers, a gold crown,
a miniature cake, cards from all his friends and a treasure
stone in a little felt bag. Somehow in the Waldorf Kindy these
celebrations seem to happen effortlessly, as part of the daily
routine and yet they are so very special.
And from my point of view, any birthday celebration for my
child that I can just go to, with out a frenzy of baking, crafting
and organising is so very blissful.......

Saturday, November 6, 2010

On being a Knight In Shining Armour......

You might recall some of my deliberations over weapons play
in this post. Its been a bit of an issue working out just how
it sits with me-and how I can balance that with who my children are.

It was after much thought that I decided to get my little
boy a wooden sword for his birthday recently. I guess there is
something mythical/ historical about a sword which somehow
softens the whole thing for me.

His response to it has been interesting. I had visions of the sword
much battered within a few hours, but he has been careful with it.
I made him a cape too and he immediately declared himself a
"Knight in Shining Armour". Although there have been a few
sword fights with his older brother, and(if I care to admit it!!)
the odd head chopped off, the sword seems more a symbol
of power than anything else.

The sword has been put through its paces, as you would
expect any knight's sword to be. But there have been some
outcomes that I wouldn't have initially expected too.
It seems that there are some things that a small boy is
more able to do with a sword at his side. Going into the
bathroom alone when it is dark, was a bit scary before (probably
because of trolls...) but with his sword its OK.

And at night, as well as his two much loved dolls, he also
takes his sword.
I now feel as though weapons are not quite so much
of an issue for me as they once were. Perhaps me letting
go of this, will allow my children to move through this stage
and flow on.
I have also found myself re-connecting with the girl I was,
in middle childhood. A girl who was frankly a bit of a
tomboy herself, quite partial to the odd gunfight or battle.
And -hey- perhaps it didn't do me any harm after all.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

::Hawthorn Flowers::

"The fair maid who, the First of May,
Goes to the fields at the break of day,
And washes in dew from the hawthorn tree,
Will ever after handsome be....."
Although its not quite the first of May, all the Hawthorn trees are
in bloom at the moment. Maybe its worth a try.......

Monday, November 1, 2010

Spring fair:: The treasure cave::

I wish you could see the treasure cave, it is so very lovely.
But just imagine a verandah, draped with pastel
muslin, decorated with stars and flowers~and filled with lots
of little treasures. Tiny gnomes, knitting Nancys, felted mice,
walnut boats, capes, origami birds, felted balls, packets of seeds,
felt crowns, wool felted dolls, little purses-and many other small
wonders. Over the years, both my children have come home
with such beautiful treasures from that cave.

But I must admit, that when my turn came to make 25 odd small
treasures for the cave, I had a rather sharp intake of breath.
So I made little pots from terracotta clay, had them fired and
planted them with mustard seeds and voila! Lots of little gardens.

And thankfully that is the fair, over for another year.....phew!