Monday, January 4, 2010

::New Beginnings::

I feel so thankful to be returning to this space, after
some of the biggest changes of my life. To draw
breathe for a little while and reflect on all that has

In a lot of ways I am still a little numb, trying to absorb
and adjust to all that separation entails. And yet I have
simultaneously begun this soul-parenting journey.
At the moment I am in such a process of becoming, of
re-defining my sense of self and maintaining an even keel,
as I parent my little boys. I have on my kitchen window sill
a little card which says:
I am not afraid of storms
for I am learning
how to sail
my ship.
Louisa May Alcott.
It helps me on my way as I navigate these early days, as I
slowly move into this new year. This fresh, new year.

1 comment:

appleboysmum said...

Glad you're back. The roses look wonderful & i think i'd like to add Louisa May Alcott's quote to my list of favourites. All the best for 2010.