My life has been quite busy recently~ and very craft focused.
Getting things ready for the annual fair at my children's school.
Each family is asked to contribute a not insubstantial number
of craft items to be sold as part of the fair.
I knew from the outset that I
just couldn't make enough craft
on my own. So I was very lucky to enlist the help of a couple
of kind people, who have skills that I do not.
The first was a friend of my Dad's, who very patiently cut
out 4 rainbow jigsaws, similar to one my children already have.
They were sent to me, assembled and neatly wrapped~as if by
magic ! (Thank~you !)
I then had the lovely, most satisfying job of painting them, one
rainy Sunday afternoon. I must admit it took a bit of courage to
begin with~I was worried that I would somehow mix up
the pieces and paint the wrong colour combinations.....
but luckily all was well.
I used food colouring, which colours wood nicely,
doesn't wash off too readily and is food grade, so its
safe. It has such a lovely translucency, and I was so very
pleased with the end result.

In many ways it was nice for my children too, to see the process
of creating something beautiful. The painting and careful
wrapping, then taking it to sell on their school craft stall.