such a pang, when he first uttered the words
"I'm five!" on his birthday morning. Almost
like I didn't want to can this be????
That this beautiful baby boy, who came into our lives
so smoothly, by candle light, in front of the fire
has turned five!
But I know that I have soaked in every moment
of those 5 years. I have been there for all the joys,
milestones, delights and stresses.
And for this I am so very glad. They are years of my
life so blessed and very well spent.
Happy Birthday Little Clogs!

A few thoughts on birthday tables....
In a lot of ways I believe that less is more, when it
comes to children's birthdays. Sometimes its as much
about the little things, that create a sense of occasion,
as it is about choosing the right presents.
With this in mind I find that creating a birthday table
is such a lovely part of my children's birthday celebration.
I hang bunting, spread a cloth and decorate the table
with flowers and a birthday ring. On the table I have a
felt birthday crown and a plate of little cakes, one for every
year of their life so far.
Somehow with all this in place, there is already a feeling
of plenty~ and I feel comfortable giving a few carefully
chosen gifts. The table is lovely for them to come out to on their
birthday morning, and it stays set up for a couple of days.
Interestingly I wont show you the photos of my boy blowing out
the candles on his cake, with his little friends. I only realised as
I looked at the photos later......that I had only put 4 candles
on the cake!
Could it be that I am in denial of the number 5???
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