Monday, November 1, 2010

Spring fair:: The treasure cave::

I wish you could see the treasure cave, it is so very lovely.
But just imagine a verandah, draped with pastel
muslin, decorated with stars and flowers~and filled with lots
of little treasures. Tiny gnomes, knitting Nancys, felted mice,
walnut boats, capes, origami birds, felted balls, packets of seeds,
felt crowns, wool felted dolls, little purses-and many other small
wonders. Over the years, both my children have come home
with such beautiful treasures from that cave.

But I must admit, that when my turn came to make 25 odd small
treasures for the cave, I had a rather sharp intake of breath.
So I made little pots from terracotta clay, had them fired and
planted them with mustard seeds and voila! Lots of little gardens.

And thankfully that is the fair, over for another year.....phew!

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