Friday, April 15, 2011


You know, I have been giving a bit of thought to this "nest" of mine recently. At how my two boys are getting a little older-and how I can almost feel the next phase dawning. Not quite, but its in the wind. I find myself wondering how this is going to change celebrations like Easter and how I can make them relevant -and suitable to an older child. There are core things that will remain the same-mountain climbing and watching sunsets. But some of the other aspects might change. Perhaps the craft will become a little more complex or new things will evolve. In a way its like a new frontier-kind of freeing and exciting. But also I am so very well aware of how careful I should be with change-not to instigate it, when it is not really needed. To take the cue from by boys.


Merenia said...

Hi Stephanie, I will follow the 'evolutions' of your Easter celebrations with growing children with interest... thanks as always for the inspiration.

Sam said...

What a beautiful and inspiring blog, thanks for sharing Steph!
Hope you and your lovely boys have a wonderful Easter celebration :)