That moment when I realise that I am on the cusp of two seasons
....not quite in either....just yet.... but with all the infinite possibilities that a new season seems to bring.
Especially spring, those first little green shoots......
The first tentative spring craft projects.......
.... The magic in the garden, which inspires it all.....
And the promise of more.....
How nice to breathe in and experience the beginnings of spring and life abundant. Congratulations on your lovely new blog Stephanie. Your spring doll looks just gorgeous. When are you going to make another?
Dear Stephanie, your blog is stunning. The little felted snowdrop is so beautiful. I'm a bit batty about snowdrops since living in England and going to special snowdrop garden days where the hardcore snowdrop lovers, ie 'galanthophiles', would lie on their tummies on frozen ground to inspect the markings inside the flowers. (Beats train spotting.) There is of course the holy grail of snowdrops - the PINK one. Recently there were rumours that two sisters had found one in Scotland, but it came to nothing... which is only fitting.
Thank you so much for your encouragement! :)
Merenia, should you wish to indulge your passion for snowdrops
and make a snow drop child, the instructions in the Floris Nature Corner book are pretty clear. By the way I so love the high regard that the Brits have for eccentricity.... :)
My dear friend Stephanie what a beautiful expression of the magic and beauty you weave. May people find inspiration within these pages from your words and pictures, that flow from your heart and journey through Motherhood.
Many Blessings,
Congratulations on your blog Stephanie. It is so lovely to stop by and gather inspiration for our daily life. It makes such a difference.
All the best, Andrea
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