struggled with the whole concept of weapons play the most.
The pacifist in me just finds this concept so very hard. As a
teacher of other peoples children, it was oh so simple.
"We don't play those games here..." But at home, with my
own children, somehow it all seems that bit more complex,
raw and closer to the surface.
Even in an essentially TV free, weapons free house, somehow
this play still develops.
I sometimes wonder what I am dealing with here. Is it a
portrayal of something so very real and violent, from
which my heart shrinks or is there more at play?
Is there something a little phallic about the concept of
gun play, as a friend suggested? Is there hidden within it
some tender little shoots of masculinity, which it would be
so very insensitive to crush?
Perhaps it provides an outlet on an emotional level somehow.
Which it might be unwise to suppress.
Do I provide my female perspective? "That doesn't sound kind...."
"Its OK, but please don't shoot at people....." "Gentle...!"
Or do I just let it be?
I think I tread both paths at times.
Maybe it's a modern issue.
I am sure that mothers were a little more accepting of this
when I was a child. That it was just looked upon as a part
of being a little boy.
I guess I just need to somehow find a space of rightness
within myself about this-to let it go and just be.
To remember that "This too shall pass..."
And to this end, when my little boy so very proudly
showed me the gun he had made, I took a big deep breath
and went to get my camera.
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