Tuesday, August 17, 2010

::Poppies in a vase::

Earlier in the week I invested in a small present
for myself. A little artistic perfection to put in a

I love it how poppies defy arrangement , but
gradually unfold in various perfections of composition.
A kind of work in progress, to watch as the week
continues. An artistic journey of sorts.

I love how they unfurl themselves, in all their crumpled
papery-ness. So somehow disheveled and new, yet so very
perfect at the same time. I find myself developing a favourite,
whose progress I watch. The salmon-y cream flower, which
reminds me of an Edwardian lady in layers of delicate, frilly

And sometimes how they look like a watercolour
in progress, and I can almost feel the colours running
together in a watery blur of oranges and yellows.

Till it occurs to me that a spot of painting
would do me such a lot of good....and so I
keep myself entertained through a quite
average week, with thoughts of how I
would paint these poppies.....

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